
Lello Musso Pola Ice Cream Machine: The Ice Cream Machine

The Lello Musso Pola Ice Cream Machine is a high-quality two quart capacity electric ice cream machine made in Italy. This is a commercial machine–it can make up to six quarts of ice cream, frozen yogurt, gelato, sherbet, or sorbet per hour. The dimensions of the machine are 12 1/4 inches high, 20 inches wide, and 14 inches deep. The unit weighs 66 pounds.

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Lello Musso Pola Ice Cream Machine: Blade and Bowl

The machine has an all stainless steel construction including the blade in the mixing bowl. There is a clear plastic lid used so you can see the ice cream being made–this lid does not come in contact with the ice cream. Note that the bowl is not removable. This is actually not an issue–to clean up, simply unscrew the steel locking nut and remove the blade. Then add some hot water to the bowl, mop with a sponge, and repeat a few times until clean, then dry with a towel.

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Lello Musso Pola Ice Cream Machine: Timer and Switches

The operation of the machine is very simple–pour the cream mixture into the bowl with the blade, turn the timer to the desired time, then turn on the Churn and Chill switches. The timer is mechanical and emits a light tick-tick as it counts down the time until you can enjoy your delicious dessert. The blade rotates only when the timer has been set and the Churn switch has been turned on. Turning the Chill switch off 3-4 minutes prior to your ice cream is ready can help in the removal of your dessert. The machine comes with a plastic spatula that will not scratch the machine’s finish.

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Lello Musso Pola Ice Cream Machine: Instructions and Recipe Book

Since operating the machine is so simple, most of the instruction manual actually contains recipes for ice creams, sorbets, sherbets, and frozen yogurts. In addition, there are recipes for sauces you can serve over your frozen desserts as well as frozen drinks recipes–who knew you could make frozen margaritas in your ice cream machine? The length of time it takes to make the desserts depends on the temperature of the cream and the room you are making the ice cream in, but from my experience freezing usually takes 20-30 minutes. In operation the machine is surprisingly quiet though I would be sure to leave room behind the machine so it can vent excess warm air.

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Lello Musso Pola Ice Cream Machine: Vanilla Frozen Yogurt

All in all I am very happy with the Lello Musso Pola Ice Cream Machine. I never dreamed making ice cream was this easy–this high-quality machine is dependable, easy to use, and as far as I can tell will last a very long time. I’ve made weekly batches since owning the machine. The best part is that you can customize the dessert recipes according to your own taste preferences. So if you want the ability to make a lot of delicious ice creams, frozen yogurts, sherbets, gelatos, and sorbets (and frozen drinks!) at home (or to sell in your ice cream shop), this machine is definitely worth the price.

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