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Revel Custom Cool Memory Foam Mattress: King Mattress, rolled and vacuum-packed

The Revel Custom Cool Memory Foam Mattress is a gel memory foam mattress made in the US that comes with a 10 year warranty. We got the King size labeled “medium-firm”, though the mattress felt more of a medium firmness.

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Revel Custom Cool Memory Foam Mattress: Inside the Roll

The twelve inch mattress is made of a two inch gel top layer, a four inch support layer that contains air channels, and a six inch DuraBase foam layer. However, the mattress is delivered to your doorstep in a box vacuum-packed, folded in half, and rolled up into a cylinder.

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Revel Custom Cool Memory Foam Mattress: Starting the Unroll

Unlike previous memory foam mattresses we’ve had, this one did not have a bad chemical smell when we started the decompression process. Also note that because the top layer is a cooling gel, the mattress is not meant to be flipped top to bottom.


Revel Custom Cool Memory Foam Mattress: After About Ten Minutes

Our mattress expanded quickly at first, though we gave it 48 hours to fully decompress. The mattress comes with a zippered outer fabric covering, which means it can easily be removed for cleaning.

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Revel Custom Cool Memory Foam Mattress: The King Mattress, Ready

Our experience is that memory foam mattresses work best on platform beds and so we have added a bunch of slats to our vintage king bed in order to give it more consistent support. Overall, we are pleased with the Revel Custom Cool Memory Foam Mattress, especially since it sleeps cool. Also, since our bed is up a set of stairs with a 180 degree turn, we were able to bring this mattress up the stairs while it was still rolled up with no problems–something we would have had difficulty doing with one of the older king-size coil spring mattresses.

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