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Harry Potter Mystery Flying Snitch: Box Front

The Harry Potter Mystery Flying Snitch is an official Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts product, authorized and licensed by Warner Brothers. The snitch looks very realistic and is a 1:1 scale to the movie snitch. This toy won several awards, including the Awarded Independent Toy Award Gold 2018, the Tillywig Award, and the Gift of The Year (UK) Award.

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Harry Potter Mystery Flying Snitch: Everything in the Box

Included in the box are the snitch, two 1.5 V LR44 batteries, a plastic display pedestal, a small poster detailing the game of Quidditch, instructions, eight sets of putty/thread, and two extra wings. The unique feature of the toy is that when turned on the snitch will move its wings–the snitch does not actually fly. This is not a drone and there is no remote control–this costs < $15. However, by suspending the snitch from the included threads, the snitch can then perhaps appear as if it is flying when viewed from a distance. You could, for example, suspend snitch from the thread held in your hand and the snitch could move wherever you moved your hand.

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Harry Potter Mystery Flying Snitch: Hanging from the Thread

The Aramid fibre threads are very thin and hard to see, though the packaging says the threads are twice as strong as steel of the same thickness. This allows you to set up the snitch to make a Harry Potter costume or display to simulate the snitch flying. Each end of the thread has a glob of putty. The idea is that you stick one end to the snitch and the other end to some other anchoring surface–this could be to your clothing, watch, wall, etc. However, I should note that the threads are very difficult to manipulate–it is likely you will end up getting them tangled or broken, perhaps why they included eight thread/putty sets.

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Harry Potter Mystery Flying Snitch: Snitch on Pedestal

This is not a toy for a young child but rather a prop for a teen or adult. People who will appreciate this include collectors, those who really likes Harry Potter, or those who want to entertain children. The ability to hang the snitch from a thread is a novelty, but you are probably going to best enjoy the snitch as it sits on its included plastic display pedestal.

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