So I mentioned that I am evaluating a TRX suspension system, by Fitness Anywhere, via a 12-week fitness program. Today was Day 51.

Some days are about pushing that boulder up the hill. Some days are about not letting it slip and crush you. Some days are just about holding your own.

Today was the latter. I started out with 4 Turkish Getups with the 24 KG kettlebell, then did 7 minutes of 5,5 snatches with the 24 KG kettlebell, on the minute.

I followed the kettlebell workout with TRX Day 51, which is Day 2 of the TRX FORCE program week 8. It is a repeat of week 7, but I think this is about consolidating gains before the next effort to push the boulder uphill in week 9. All exercises were completed, but, in a bit of British understatement, I still think that last session of pendulum swings and oblique pikes is not very relaxing.

Be Amazing Feel Amazing - Kettlebells