So I mentioned that I am evaluating a TRX suspension system, by Fitness Anywhere, via a 12-week fitness program. Today was Day 25.

I decided to try something new today. Previously I had been doing the TRX strength component, then followed by the cardio component. But today I first did ten sets of ten kettlebell swings. Then I followed this by the TRX strength component (which is a repeat of Day 15, then five sets of ten goblet squats with the kettlebell.

It was interesting because the swings, of course, rocket your heart rate. But my heart rate was also higher during the TRX strength component — more than my average heart rate during that component if I lead off with it. Thus, I think I am getting a better workout by doing kettlebells first, then the TRX. The final kettlebell set was just to squeeze out whatever I had left in me.

So I’ll continue this experiment of bracketing my TRX strength component with kettlebell workouts.

Be Amazing Feel Amazing - Kettlebells