Writing and editing a resume or a curriculum vitae (CV) is a tedious project requiring much coffee and chocolate to finish successfully. Moreover, since I’ve hopped between industry and academia and across multiple fields several times now, I’ve also had the periodic chore of having to convert from the industry resume format to the academia vita format. These days, since I’m writing more in plain text, especially Markdown, instead of using Word Processors favored in some fields, I had been avoiding updating my vita because it was still in .doc format. However, I recently took the plunge in converting it to text.

My goal is to ultimately be able to build the vita in multiple formats using Pandoc and Markdown, but as a first step I’ve rescued my vita from the hell of .doc and converted it into LaTeX. I’ve modified a template from Kieran Healey and have posted it on GitHub if you’d like to take a look and have a template of your own to start with: here’s my LaTeX vita template on GitHub. To see what the resulting pdf looks like, here’s my vita in pdf.

I’m not done yet–I’d like to incorporate bibliography citations, convert to Markdown, and compile into multiple formats using a Makefile for Pandoc. But for now, this is a start. Anything but Microsoft Word!

I hope the LaTeX template is useful to you and let me know if you have any resume or vita formatting tips.