inyo alternative martial arts journal

The martial arts journal InYo: The Journal of Alternative Perspectives on the Martial Arts and Sciences, from the Japanese in-yo (loosely: “in” = “yin” = darkness, and “yo” = “yang” = light) takes an in your face, alternative look at the martial arts and sciences.

The journal was recently redesigned, and my article “Understanding Ancient Martial Arts Texts: Pooh and Hermeneutics” was selected to be reprinted in the InYo: The Journal of Alternative Perspectives on the Martial Arts and Sciences July 2011 issue, along with a new introduction to the reprinted article.

Other articles in this issue include “What are Martial Arts?” by Joseph Svinth, “Chinese Boxing Classics in Translation: Problems and Perils” by Brian Kennedy, and “On Theory and Martial Arts” by LeRon James Harrison.

If you have an interest in martial arts, martial arts theory, martial arts analysis, budo, or martial arts culture, come take a look!