So I mentioned that I am evaluating a TRX suspension system, by Fitness Anywhere, via a 12-week fitness program. Today was Day 36.

In fact, today was to special that I broke today’s fitness summary into two postings. The first is to summarize my meeting with RKC Sandy Sommer, of Charm City Kettlebells. The second is contained in this post: what I did afterwards.

Once I got home I was so energized about trying out the corrections and advice on my kettlebell technique. Since I had tried kettlebells on my own, Sandy had provided a few suggestions over four different kettlebell exercises.

So today I focused on the swing, really focusing on driving the swing with my hips and correctly allowing the kettlebell to fall before sinking my hips to meet the follow-through. I tried this out on my new 32 KG bell — I wanted to make sure I was using correct technique, rather than muscling through with incorrect technique by using a lighter kettlebell.

The results? I do have some muscle-memory to readjust, but I think I am getting the suggested changes. The evidence is that, whereas before I had only done 3 sets of 10 swings with the 32 KG bell, today I did 10 sets of 10 with the 32 KG kettlebell, before moving on to Turkish getups on the TRX routine. After those 10 swings sets I probably could have happily done more, and I didn’t feel unstable and wrecked afterwards, like I used to feel. So I think the changes are working!

This was week 6 of my TRX FORCE routine, and is a repeat of week 5. I am feeling more stable in the exercises, and I can really focus on maximizing the benefits from the exercises, whereas before I was mostly focusing on not falling over into the furniture.

Be Amazing Feel Amazing - Kettlebells