So I mentioned that I am evaluating a TRX suspension system, by Fitness Anywhere, via a 12-week fitness program. Today was Day 33.

I led things off with 24 sets of 7 snatches in a 15:15 interval (168 snatches) with a 40# kettlebell. This is 4 more sets than I did on Tuesday. Not a big increase, but I’ll take it.

I then did a TRX strength workout — workout 2 in week 5 in the FORCE program. This exercise set leads off with 20 suspended incline presses, which tends to take the wind out of you, and the 30 suspended rows just about finishes off the upper body, but it’s a really good set to balance the lower-body emphasis set of workout 1.

Some may ask if all my TRX and kettlebell work is worth it. Granted, I am only 5 weeks in to my parallel TRX and kettlebell binge, and so the final verdict is a ways off, but as an engineer, I like to base my answers on evidence. In general, so far I see improvements to overall my overall fitness level and ability (the practical meaning of this is that I need new jeans). And even with my crazy work, eating, and travel schedule, since I started I’ve dropped about 7 pounds, have gained muscle, and have dropped 2% in body fat. While these aren’t big drops, I think they are solid drops done at a healthy rate. Finally, given that, so far, I am doing this on my own and am teaching myself as I go, I am happy with my progress to date. From a project management standpoint, this is enough of a teaser to say “keep on with the project”.

Note that I don’t really recommend the teach-yourself approach, especially when working with kettlebells. In fact, Sandy Sommer, RKC, has graciously agreed to meet with me to evaluate my kettlebell form and (hopefully) prevent me from doing something pathological. More on that meetup later.

Be Amazing Feel Amazing - Kettlebells