So I mentioned that I am evaluating a TRX suspension system, by Fitness Anywhere, via a 12-week fitness program. Today was Day 37.

I started off today with kettlebell snatches. From meeting with RKC Sandy Sommer yesterday, I received several kettlebell corrections that I needed to work on, he moved me up in kettlebell weight, and he gave me a customized snatch workout so that I can make progress towards my kettlebell goals.

So I moved from doing snatches with a 40# kettlebell to a 53# kettlebell, and worked on form corrections. I only did 50 snatches in 5 minutes, which for other people is kind of an easy rate I think, but especially since this was my first workout at this weight, I had slowed down quite a bit by the last set.

I then moved on to Turkish Getups, 2 with a 30# kettlebell and 2 with a 40# kettlebell.

I finished up with the week 6 day 2 TRX strength workout. This is the one with 20 suspended incline presses and 30 elevated back rows. These were tough, as were the final suspended oblique pikes. But for some reason I really like the atomic pushups — that exercise really engages the whole body and I almost get recharged from doing them, after the draining suspended incline presses.

Be Amazing Feel Amazing - Kettlebells